XIA (Junsu) - I'm Confessing Now (나 지금 고백한다) Лирицс транслатион то енглисх
I'm Confessing Now
What did you do all day today?
Why am I getting through to you just now?
I was looking for you since last night
I have something on my mind and I’ll tell you about it now
From friends to lovers
From friendship to love,
So baby, my lovely
Actually, I like you
Us two, we’re having just another day where nothing’s different
Shyly but strongly, I want to tell you about my feelings
This isn’t a joke, although you might laugh
These aren’t empty words, this isn’t a lie, I want to make you mine
What did you just say? Don’t play around
I’m not joking right now, don’t shock me
We’re too close and I care too much about you
So I’m worried that I might lose you or that we’d grow apart
I thought about it, wondering if you knew my habit
Wondering if this natural attraction is my heart fluttering
What we need right now isn’t a prepared heart but an organized one
We need distance to calm down my trembling heart
I want to wake you up every morning
Take you home every day
I want to hold your hand, want to hug you
Want to kiss you
Us two, we’re having just another day where nothing’s different
Shyly but strongly, I want to tell you about my feelings
This isn’t a joke, although you might laugh
These aren’t empty words, this isn’t a lie, I want to make you mine
Why aren’t you answering? Do you not like me?
Do you hate me? I’m suddenly scared
There aren’t many guys like me, I’ll be good to you
You are always in my way~~
Us two, we’re having just another day where nothing’s different
Shyly but strongly, I want to tell you about my feelings
This isn’t a joke, although you might laugh
These aren’t empty words, this isn’t a lie, I want to make you mine
Us two, we’re having just another day where nothing’s different
Shyly but strongly, I want to tell you about my feelings
This isn’t a joke, although you might laugh
These aren’t empty words, this isn’t a lie, I want to make you mine
Yes, wherever I go with you, it feels like home
You’re my bodyguard that stayed by me like my shadow
We know each other so well
And we naturally became one like this
I promise to trust you, hold your hand
Don’t steal glances at other girls
I know just by hearing your breath and looking at your eyes
If I’m with you, I can do anything
Још текстова песама из овог уметника:
XIA (Junsu)Сви текстови песама на овој веб локацији су само за личну и образовну употребу.
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Више лирицс транслатионс
Ista stara priča (starice koja zaboravlja)
Click to see the original lyrics (French)
Dobar dan, lepa moja ljubavi,
Reci mi, koji je dan?
Već je subota?
Malo se dosađujem ovde, svaki dan je isti
Ne, nije mi hladno, hvala!
Da, svirala sam klavir, malo sam šetala
Ali dobro, bilo je toplo, nisam dugo izašla napolje
Onda sam mislila o tebi, da, već je subota
Dan je kad sam te videla, pa, to me čini srećnom
Znaš da se jutros ptica vratila
Ostavila sam joj hleba
I nestala je, videla sam je kako je odletela
Ali ne znam više kuda
Možda ovde? Čekaj... gde sam stala?
Ko ste Vi?
Da li si video sliku? Juče sam je okačila
Vidi kako smo bili lepi!
To je bilo na zimovanju, sva deca su bila tu
Mogla bih ih pozvati?
Istina je da je prošlo puno vremena
Ali ne želim da smetam
Znaš, znaš, osećam se kao da sam previše
Osećam se kao da sam dosadna
Jesi video sliku?
A, već sam te pitala!
Oprosti, to je moj mozak, znaš
Verujem da sam poludela
Ponekad zaboravim reči, ponekad ih ponavljam
Reci mi, jesi li video onog koji mi je ukrao
Sav hleb od sinoć
Onaj koji sam ostavila sa strane, čuvala sam ga u tajnosti
Za svaki slučaj
Ptica, znaš onu pticu? Vratila bi se
Čekaj, gde sam stala?
Ali ko ste vi? Ko ste vi?
Bože, čudno je, mnogo ličite
Usta, oči
Starije, ali je baš ludo! Da, ličite
na Pjera, meni je to smešno, kunem Vam se!
Oh, volim ga, kad biste samo znali, to je on, to je on, sigurno!
Imate li decu? Ja maštam o majčinstvu
Već se vidim kako vodim svoje mališane na zimovanje
Vola bih dve ćerke, tri sina
Je l' mogu da Vam kažem jednu tajnu?
Je l' mogu da Vam kažem jednu tajnu? Već sam smislila imena...
Znam da se ne znamo dobro
Sramota me je da Vas pitam
Ali... imate li hleba? Za onu pticu...
Videla sam je kako odleće, ali ne znam više kuda
Možda tamo?
Čekajte! Gde sam stala? Ko ste vi?
Ma šta radite ovde?
Ko Vas je pustio da uđete?
Izlazite iz moje kuće!
Odlazite! Gospodine, odlazite!
Reći ću Vas svojim roditeljima, e tako, videćete!
I ko su svi ovi ljudi?
Kakav je ovo nered?
Uzeli ste mi hleb, lopove!
I moju pticu, umreće od gladi, umreće uskoro
Ne, ne želim da ode, imamo sastanke
Ili sam skrenula s puta... čekaj... gde sam stala?
Ali ko ste Vi? Ko ste Vi?
Dobar dan, lepa moja ljubavi,
Reci mi, koji je danas dan?
Već je subota...
Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Trudim se
Da te zadovoljim
Puštam te da se odmoriš
Dok ja ostajem budna celu noć
I ne želiš da znaš
Koliko sam usamljena u poslednje vreme
Puštam te da dođeš i odeš
U kakvom god stanju bila
Čoveče, nisam li najbolja?
Moje čestitke
Sva moja ljubav i strpljenje
Svo moje divljenje
Svaki put kada sam čekala
Da me želiš golu
Učinila sam da izgleda bezbolno
Čoveče, nisam li najbolja?
Radim šta je ispravno
Bez nagrade
I ne moramo da se svađamo
Kad nije vredno toga
I ne želiš da znaš
Šta bih uradila
Bilo šta
Gore od bilo koga
Čoveče, nisam li najbolja?
Moje čestitke
Sva moja ljubav i strpljenje
Svo moje divljenje
Svaki put kad sam čekala
Da me želiš golu
Učinila sam da izgleda bezbolno
Čoveče, nisam li najbolja?
(Ej, ej, najbolja)
Volela sam te, i i dalje te colim
Samo sam htela strast od tebe
Samo sam htela ono što sam ja davala tebi
Čekala sam i čekala
Čoveče, nisam li najbolja?
Bože, mrzim to
Sva moja ljubav i strpljenje
Kažeš da ti je srce umorno
Ne možeš ni da ga slomiš
Ne bih trebala to da govorim
Mogao si da budeš najbolji
Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Zaljubila sam se po prvi put
U prijatelja, to je dobar znak
Čudno mi je kad se osećam lepo
Dvadeset prva se činila kao večnost
Ljudi kažu da izgledam srećno
Samo jer sam smršala
Ali stara ja je i dalje ja i možda prava ja
I mislim da je lepa
I i dalje plačem
I ne znam zašto
Da li se sada ponašam u skladu sa svojim godinama?
Da li sam već na putu za izlaz?
Kada siđem sa bine, ptica sam u kavezu
Pas sam u azilu
I rekao si da sam tvoja tajna
I da nisi mogao da je zadržiš
I internet je gladan za ono okrutno 'smešno'
A neko mora da ga nahrani
Da li i dalje plačeš?
I dalje plačeš
Ti nikad nisam naudila
I moje
Moje strpljenje je nestalo
I ja
Ti nikad nisam naudila
I ja
Sam te volela toliko dugo
Do my, do my ladies run this, ladies run this?
Do my, do my ladies run this, ladies run this? (Yeah)
Do my, do my ladies run this, ladies run this?
Do my, do my ladies run this, ladies run this? (Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
All of my girls looking good and they got they own money
(Do my, do my ladies run this?)
Pop your shit
This for my girls with no sponsor, they got they own fundin'
(Do my, do my ladies run this?)
Not your shit
Run through your city, that motorcade
(Do my, do my ladies run this?)
Soon as I enter, they close the gate (Ladies run this?)
Presidential through your residential
Bitch, it's nothing
Said, 'Fuck your rules,' is the mood, damn right
Walk in a room and I set the vibe
Get a pic, it'll last you long
Whole team, they gassin' on us
You sit too far down on 'em charts to even ask me who's in charge
Ridin' 'round, foreign cars (Yeah)
Top down, starin' at the stars (Yeah)
Attitude, so don't start shit (Yeah)
Big moves, only extra large, yeah
Ridin' 'round, foreign cars
Top down, starin' at the stars
Attitude, so don't start shit
Big moves, only extra large, yeah
Wait (Do my ladies run this?)
Wait (Do my ladies run this?)
Wait (Do my ladies run this?)
Doechii (Yo, yeah)
Gimme chi, gimme purr, gimme meow, gimme her, gimme funds
Gimme rights, gimme fight, gimme nerve, gimme cunt, let me serve, rrr
Lemme, lemme out, lemme in
Knock the doors down, got the keys to the Benz
In the boardroom looking bored 'cause I'm not here for pleasin' the men
Not here to reason with them
Misbehaved, Miss Push-My-Pen
I can't tame my passion for him
Can't keep up, what happened to them? (Do my ladies run this?)
Yeah, we lappin' the men
Top of the food chain, bussin' a new chain
This ain't a new thing, no, sir
Money on stupid, hopped in a new whip
You still on my old work (Yeah, yeah)
Work, work, this might hurt (Yeah, yeah)
I sweat hard, wet T-shirt (Yeah, yeah)
Extra large, ain't scared of the dirt (Yeah, yeah)
Hit that jackpot, now I'm
Ridin' 'round, foreign cars
Top down, starin' at the stars (Yeah)
Attitude, so don't start shit (So, don't start shit)
Big moves, only extra large, yeah (Big, big, big, big)
Ridin' 'round, foreign cars
(Do my, do my ladies run this, ladies run this?)
Top down, starin' at the stars (Yeah)
(Do my, do my ladies run this, ladies run this?)
Attitude, so don't start shit (So don't start shit)
(Do my, do my ladies run this, ladies run this?)
Big moves, only extra large, yeah (Big, big, big, big)
(Do my, do my ladies run this, ladies run this?)
Work, work, this might hurt
I sweat hard, wet T-shirt
Extra large, ain't scared of the dirt, yeah, yeah
Work, work, this might hurt
I sweat hard, wet T-shirt (Yeah, yeah)
Extra large, ain't scared of the dirt (Yeah, yeah)
Work, work (Rrr)
Do my, do my ladies run this, ladies run this?
Do my, do my ladies run this, ladies run this?
Do my, do my ladies run this, ladies run this?
Do my, do my ladies run this, ladies run this?